Many may have called it expected, but Wyatt's arrival 1 day before his due date was a surprise to us! My doc told me the week before the baby was still high and I was not dilated. I had a doc appt at 4pm on Monday and he said the same thing, nothing had changed. We didn't think anything would happen for at least a few days, if not another ten days. Later that night, a few minutes after going to bed at 10pm, I jolted with a contraction. It was just a Braxton Hix contraction we thought, but 10 minutes later, came another. And so it started, with no light, far apart contractions or any warnings. Soon they were 5 minutes apart. We called Tom and M.E. to come watch Will and were out the door by 11:45 to the hospital. We believe my water broke on the way to the hospital with a small leak with each contraction. Once at the hospital, things were intense but we were very excited to hear I was 3cm dilated. I never dilated past 1cm with Will so we were very optimistic that our VBAC plans were going to be successful. I was soon dilated to 6cm and at ease with the gift of an epideral. Jeff and I were very excited to meet the little one and looked forward to "pushing!" However, things didn't progress past 6 cm and I was losing a lot of blood with some clots. They were concerned the previous incision had ruptured and the baby's heart rate was stressed. At 7:30am the doctors were urging that a C Section be done to avoid complications with me and/or the baby.
Fresh from the womb:
Daddy bonds with Wyatt while mommy is in recovery:
Mommy gets to hold Wyatt for the first time:
Willy meets Wyatt:
Proud Papa:
Proud Mama:
Ahhhhhhh, I can finally stretch out....
Wyatt James Leiting was born at 8:43 on 1/27/09 with a full head of black hair, 8 lbs 15 oz, and a healthy cry!
We are very happy everyone is healthy and feeling good. We came home from the hospital on Friday. Will is very excited to be a big brother and loves watching Wyatt sleep, looking into his eyes when they are open, and helping burp him.
We are very happy everyone is healthy and feeling good. We came home from the hospital on Friday. Will is very excited to be a big brother and loves watching Wyatt sleep, looking into his eyes when they are open, and helping burp him.
Fresh from the womb:
Daddy bonds with Wyatt while mommy is in recovery:
Mommy gets to hold Wyatt for the first time:
Willy meets Wyatt:
Proud Papa:
Proud Mama:
Ahhhhhhh, I can finally stretch out....