Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wyatt James Leiting has arrived!

Many may have called it expected, but Wyatt's arrival 1 day before his due date was a surprise to us! My doc told me the week before the baby was still high and I was not dilated. I had a doc appt at 4pm on Monday and he said the same thing, nothing had changed. We didn't think anything would happen for at least a few days, if not another ten days. Later that night, a few minutes after going to bed at 10pm, I jolted with a contraction. It was just a Braxton Hix contraction we thought, but 10 minutes later, came another. And so it started, with no light, far apart contractions or any warnings. Soon they were 5 minutes apart. We called Tom and M.E. to come watch Will and were out the door by 11:45 to the hospital. We believe my water broke on the way to the hospital with a small leak with each contraction. Once at the hospital, things were intense but we were very excited to hear I was 3cm dilated. I never dilated past 1cm with Will so we were very optimistic that our VBAC plans were going to be successful. I was soon dilated to 6cm and at ease with the gift of an epideral. Jeff and I were very excited to meet the little one and looked forward to "pushing!" However, things didn't progress past 6 cm and I was losing a lot of blood with some clots. They were concerned the previous incision had ruptured and the baby's heart rate was stressed. At 7:30am the doctors were urging that a C Section be done to avoid complications with me and/or the baby.
Wyatt James Leiting was born at 8:43 on 1/27/09 with a full head of black hair, 8 lbs 15 oz, and a healthy cry!
We are very happy everyone is healthy and feeling good. We came home from the hospital on Friday. Will is very excited to be a big brother and loves watching Wyatt sleep, looking into his eyes when they are open, and helping burp him.

Fresh from the womb:

Daddy bonds with Wyatt while mommy is in recovery:

Mommy gets to hold Wyatt for the first time:

Willy meets Wyatt:

Proud Papa:

Proud Mama:
Ahhhhhhh, I can finally stretch out....

Monday, January 19, 2009

9 month Belly

The bags are packed, and the room is ready! Tiny diapers are out and I have a well stocked freezer of chocolate chip cookies, soups and a few dinners...
This may be the last belly pic post! We are getting close to the Jan 28 due date! These pics are from Sunday, Jan 18 - 2 days shy of 39 weeks pregnant.

And this backshot is for my mom who has been in TX for the last couple months. She always says she can tell if a person is having a boy or girl depending if you can tell they are pregnant from behind. What do you think? I think I have a lot of work to do getting back into shape after this baby comes!! This shot is so unflattering in so many ways!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Klutzy Mom Falls Down Stairs and Sprains Ankle

I had such big plans for my week off of work…go to some fun places with Will, grocery shop, clean house, move Will into his new bedroom, convert baby room back into nursery, get baby’s things out and organized, lots of errands, take down Christmas decorations, etc …so, my first day after the holiday rush, Tuesday, I’m coming down the stairs carrying Will playing airplanes about to head off to the library, when BOOM SCRAAAAAAAAAAAPE, BOOM boom boom – OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!

Yes, I’m a klutz and fell down the stairs. In the process of trying to break Will’s fall and not land on my belly, my lower leg and water retaining ankle twisted in some crazy ways. I laid at the bottom of the stairs yelling in pain but trying to not yell too loud and in between yells, letting Will know that mommy’s ok, I just hurt my foot. Will and baby were fine, but I was sure that I broke my ankle by the strange look of the bone and flesh around it and the intense pain. At this moment, I was wondering which would be worse, this pain or labor pain. I waited for it to subside but it didn’t and I was left staring at the ceiling and realizing that our water leak we thought we had is a definite have and is ruining our professional paint job above the door…ok back to the pain. I couldn’t walk so I crawled to the next room to find my phone to call Jeff. Jeff came home from work 40 minutes later to bring us to the hospital for Xrays. All I could think about is how am I going to push a baby out with a cast in stirrups? Then, how am I going to care for a 2 yr old and new born with a cast on? I knew it could be done, but not as fun as it would have been. Thank goodness the xrays came back ok and it is just sprained. But, you can imagine how ridiculous I look at work with one shoe on and one shoe off, a pregnant waddle mixed with a limp “waddalimp.”
Jeff thought it necessary to capture the moment on camera. We spared any gross pictures of the ankle. This is on our way out the door to the hospital:

Oh and a few days later, I came across a HUGE scrape on our banister…as I yelled out to question Jeff, I realized that’s just about where we fell and that the SCRAAAAAAAPE noise during the fall was either Will’s or my airplane etching a nice memory in the banister.
Needless to say, I didn’t get anything done last week, but my awesome husband never stopped going and took care of Will, cleaned the house, cooked meals, grocery shopped, and anything else he could do to alleviate the pain. Thanks Jeff!

More Xmas Photos

Here are a few more pics from Christmas Eve. Will had a great time sledding with Daddy outside:

Updated Belly Shots for Kristin and me on Christmas Eve at the Leitings: