Will is officially potty training! His first time actually going on the potty was 2 weeks ago while Jeff was at the cabin. He went #1, and 5 minutes later, told me he had to go again. We did and he quickly realized that if he keeps making trips to the potty, he gets more and more candy. 10 minutes later, he told me he had to go again. Oh boy, I thought, this is going to go on all night. However, that third trip was actually a #2!! I was so excited because I've heard that #2 is the hardest to get a toddler to let out on the toilet. Of course, we had to make 2 calls to daddy at the cabin with 20 of his closest friends to shout the news. And with the second call to deliver the #2 news, we heard the "YAY POOP" cheer from all 20 of the guys in the background.
Will is now on his second day of big boy undies only changing to a pull up or diaper during nap and at night. He's doing great - but hasn't actually "told" us he has to go, we just keep bringing him to the bathroom every 1-2 hours. Next step is to stop the prompting and let him tell us...