This blog is a gift to my husband who has been requesting a place to document our family's growth to share with our friends and family who are a bit further away. However, since he is the creative writer, hopefully this blog will get more interesting once he sees it and starts blogging himself. I can already hear him coming up with twenty better names for our blog, but I thought what best sums up our life together? My unconditional love for him as a husband, father, and best friend and the love and experiences we share with our son, Will, and the “little brother or sister in mommy’s tummy.”
It’s amazing how much love one person can give. While pregnant with our first child, I remember thinking, how can I love someone as much as I love my husband? Will I lose the love and attention I receive from my husband when the baby is born? Will he love the baby more than me? Selfish thinking, I know. Thankfully, my husband is extremely generous with his love and there was enough to go around for our son and me! And, an amazing thing happened, I become extremely less selfish. Yes, I know, parenting forces this on you – BUT – now I would actually rather have my husband play with my son than play with my hair or give me a back massage. One of my favorite things is to sit in the living room and watch them wrestle around together. My husband can make my son laugh like I’ve never heard him laugh – that deep belly laugh. I tried during the first year to get Will to laugh like that, then gave up and conceded that only daddy can make Will laugh like that, and that makes me smile. Right now, one of Will’s favorite things to do is to get a running start to go get daddy. You may think of a running start as a 5 or maybe 10 feet for a 2 year old, but Will’s is 3 rooms length. He starts in the furthest corner of the kitchen, panting with excitement, in between breaths looking at me with bright eyes saying “I’m gonna go get daddy!” Then with a count of 1, 2, 3, he’s off in a high speed run through 3 rooms to tackle daddy on the floor – then a burst of that belly laugh. I would pay $100 every time for this entertainment.
There are things in this life I have compromised on, a life overseas, for example. However, there are things in this life I have been granted that far surpass a dreamer’s dream – a husband who makes me proud and keeps me stable, brings me laughter through his wit, surprises me with the things he knows how to do, shares the love of so many things with me, and spoils me to the point where I am far less independent because, well, my hubby will do it, and the best gift he’s given me, a son with a beautiful spirit. He brings me worry that if ever anything happened to him, I’m not sure how I would go on or could live without the joy he brings into our son’s life. There is no one I could imagine who would be a better husband for me or father to our children. Thank you for finding and choosing me. Happy fourth anniversary, my love.

It’s amazing how much love one person can give. While pregnant with our first child, I remember thinking, how can I love someone as much as I love my husband? Will I lose the love and attention I receive from my husband when the baby is born? Will he love the baby more than me? Selfish thinking, I know. Thankfully, my husband is extremely generous with his love and there was enough to go around for our son and me! And, an amazing thing happened, I become extremely less selfish. Yes, I know, parenting forces this on you – BUT – now I would actually rather have my husband play with my son than play with my hair or give me a back massage. One of my favorite things is to sit in the living room and watch them wrestle around together. My husband can make my son laugh like I’ve never heard him laugh – that deep belly laugh. I tried during the first year to get Will to laugh like that, then gave up and conceded that only daddy can make Will laugh like that, and that makes me smile. Right now, one of Will’s favorite things to do is to get a running start to go get daddy. You may think of a running start as a 5 or maybe 10 feet for a 2 year old, but Will’s is 3 rooms length. He starts in the furthest corner of the kitchen, panting with excitement, in between breaths looking at me with bright eyes saying “I’m gonna go get daddy!” Then with a count of 1, 2, 3, he’s off in a high speed run through 3 rooms to tackle daddy on the floor – then a burst of that belly laugh. I would pay $100 every time for this entertainment.
There are things in this life I have compromised on, a life overseas, for example. However, there are things in this life I have been granted that far surpass a dreamer’s dream – a husband who makes me proud and keeps me stable, brings me laughter through his wit, surprises me with the things he knows how to do, shares the love of so many things with me, and spoils me to the point where I am far less independent because, well, my hubby will do it, and the best gift he’s given me, a son with a beautiful spirit. He brings me worry that if ever anything happened to him, I’m not sure how I would go on or could live without the joy he brings into our son’s life. There is no one I could imagine who would be a better husband for me or father to our children. Thank you for finding and choosing me. Happy fourth anniversary, my love.

OMG Kate--that was so beautiful. I'm literally in tears here. I'm so happy for you and your beautiful family!
Nice gift Chick-Bop!
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