Sunday, January 23, 2011

Will's Little Surprises

Over the last couple months, Will has been leaving us little surprises.  Good surprises.
One day at lunch I made my name out of pretzels.  Will was finishing up his lunch when I had to go upstairs to change Wyatt.  When I came back down, my name was rearranged to this (he went and got a checker for the dot!):

He still spends a lot of time coloring and drawing.  It always makes us feel special when he addresses some of his drawings to us!  He has been very good at imagining what something looks like and then drawing it.

Will's Castle

Barge on the water while it's raining

A Christmas tree with a snowman cutout, colored and pasted on the top

He also loves to surprise us by leaving us something under our pillow.  He made this one extra special by putting a ribbon on it!

a tree and Will

Will surprised us with this car, he's never drawn a person in one before, or holding a steering wheel!

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