Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy 80th Birthday Tom and ME!

December marks milestone birthdays for my brother, Tom and sister in law, Mary Esther. They both turned 40!
We were lucky enough to join Tom on his birthday at his favorite local Kenosha Cantonese restaurant.
We then went back to his house and had some yummy cupcakes that Elizabeth made for Tom's bday. Needless to say, Will had a great time - he loves this birthday thing. And he turned into a sugar machine that night cracking us all up with his high. Elizabeth graciously provided him with a tiara...

Tom, Mary Esther and Elizabeth:

Then, on the Winter Solstice, Mary Esther celebrated her 40th. She invited us, Jeff and Annie's family, and some close neighbor friends over for dinner and cake to celebrate both the solstice and her 40th. It was a very nice time, despite the smell of burning cat hair when Kenosha Girl accidentally dipped her tail TWICE into the candles from the Solstice Tree!

Happy 40th Tom and M.E. and may there be another 40 plus to spend together!


Lisa said...

LOVE the pic with Will wearing the tiara!! Very funny;)

Dusty @AllThingsG+D said...

Happy (belated) birthday to Tom and ME! Looks like you all had a blast celebrating!